
Most updated publications on google scholar.


  1. Hep. Comm.
    Association between widespread pain and associated symptoms in patients with cirrhosis
    Alexis Holman, Neehar D Parikh, Zhe Zhao, and 4 more authors
    Hepatol Commun, May 2023
  2. Hep. Comm.
    Stage migration as a surrogate of survival in hepatocellular carcinoma treated with transarterial chemoembolization
    Ihab Kassab, Amit G. Singal, Aamir Ali, and 10 more authors
    Hepatology Communications, Apr 2023


  1. CGH
    A two-step algorithm for the noninvasive identification of candidates for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis clinical trials: the APRI-FAST
    Elliot B. Tapper, Zhe Zhao, Darshini Shah, and 1 more author
    Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Apr 2022
    Publisher: Elsevier
  2. JHEP Reports
    Deprescribing zolpidem reduces falls and fractures in patients with cirrhosis
    Elliot B. Tapper, Zhe Zhao, G. Scott Winder, and 1 more author
    JHEP Reports, Apr 2022
    Publisher: Elsevier
  3. Dig Dis Sci
    Incidence of, risk factors for, and outcomes after ascites in a population-based cohort of older Americans
    Elliot B. Tapper, Zhe Zhao, Nik Mazumder, and 1 more author
    Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Apr 2022
    Publisher: Springer
  4. AJG
    Pickle juice intervention for cirrhotic cramps reduction: The PICCLES randomized controlled trial
    Elliot B. Tapper, Najat Salim, Jad Baki, and 4 more authors
    The American Journal of Gastroenterology, Apr 2022
    Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
  5. JHEP
    Racial and ethnic disparities in rifaximin use and subspecialty referrals for patients with hepatic encephalopathy in the United States
    Elliot B. Tapper, Utibe R. Essien, Zhe Zhao, and 2 more authors
    Journal of Hepatology, Apr 2022
    Publisher: Elsevier


  1. AP&T
    Outcomes after hepatic encephalopathy in population-based cohorts of patients with cirrhosis
    Elliot B. Tapper, Devin Aberasturi, Zhe Zhao, and 2 more authors
    Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, Apr 2020
    Publisher: Wiley Online Library