GitHub Tutorial

Collaborative development using Git and GitHub

This is a tutorial about collaborative development using Git and GitHub I made for my lab and the Academia Cafe community.

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  1. In this tutorial I will demonstrate codes in MacOS. Windows machine uses a different command-line interface, which I’m not familiar with. For windows users, I strongly recommend learning how to use the comman prompt before taking this tutorial.
  2. This tutorial is only a simple demo of the current practice I’m using for projects. Not everything listed here is considered the best practice.


I will assume that you have installed Git on your operation systems. If not, please refer to this link for installation instruction. After the installation, go to and register an account.

Once you acquired a GitHub account, you need to configure your account credential on your MacOS machine. Open the terminal application and type the following command. Remember to replace your-github-user-name and your-account-email.

$ git config --global "your-github-user-name"
$ git config --global your-account-email

Once you have done the above steps, type

$ git config --list

to make sure that your information has been correctly set up.

Tutorial Material

This tutorial will follow along the instruction on this repository. This repository was inspired and modified from the git tutorial created by romankouz.